The first NFT
using bitcoin

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) inherit their value from an unreproducible material or visual characteristic/representation they possess, because of its provenance, previous owners and story, or because uniqueness belongs to a very special, limited series, which cannot be enlarged unnoticedly.

Using the latest technology from liquid sidechain, Lightning Network, IPFS & L-SATs we replicate the exact behavior from NFT or crypto-collectibles, just using a bitcoin-focused approach.

We use IPFS as public immutable storage and as a delivery gateway for the visual representation of our assets. So we can assure the most healthy and secure tokenization process.


Mutant's Affair
Light Nite
50000 SATs
Forest Guardian
Light Nite
166666 SATs
Titan Support
Light Nite
50000 SATs
Mr. R0b0t
Light Nite
50000 SATs

Import your NFTs
to our games

All of our bitcoin-based NFTs have a functional utility in our games. Our NFTs are not just collectibles. Beyond trading them and collecting them, you can enrich your gaming experience by playing them in Elixir games

Our NFTs’ properties bring exciting capabilities to enhance gaming assets’ security and functionality. Our focus is to enable gamers to get a higher control & ownership, trust and ultimately worth over their purchased/earned NFTs

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